Since 2005, MamWare has provided Musicians, Bands, Artist Management and Business Owners with MUSIC & MULTIMEDIA Studio Services for their Websites and original Music projects, hosted on our UNIX Web Servers. Below is a list of Current Services along with former Legacy Services for reference, such as Live 24 Track Recording and Concert Sound Engineering. We continue to provide our Ever-Expanding Free Music Lesson Website for Instrument Lessons and Music Theory at FreeMusicLessons4u.com since 2010 ... brief History below.
Website Designs - Premium UNIX cPanel Web Hosting - Domain Name Management - SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - eCommerce - SSL (Secure Socket Layers) Security Certificates - Web Analytics Stats, Reports & Graphs.
100% Made in CANADA ... Canadian UNIX Web Servers - Domain Registrars - Web Designers - We only use Canadian Suppliers and Resources for all our Projects. Our UNIX Web Servers are 100% Canadian Data Centres with PIPEDA compliance, ensuring your data is protected by Canadian Law against intrusive provisions in the USA's Patriot Act. All of our Financial Transactions are processed in Canada only, to protect your Personal Information and Privacy.
Recording Studios with 72 Tracks ANALOG and DIGITAL Mixers with Automation (In-House Use Only) - Studio Pre & Post Production - Studio Mixing - Music Arrangements - Music Scores - Sound Tracks - YouTube Audio to Video Sync.
1) Live 24 Track Recording (Closed 2020)
We have all of our Live 24 Track recording equipment as seen on the following Diagram and Photo.

Arena Shows and other Large Concert Venues, Live Radio Broadcasts ...

When the 2008 Global RECESSION hit, GOVERNMENTS made drastic Budget Cuts that often led to the REMOVAL of Traditional Elementary and Secondary School MUSIC and ARTS programs. The RECESSION also resulted in private MUSIC lessons becoming unaffordable for a lot of Families. This became a concern to us since We were FORTUNATE to grow up during a time with both excellent School MUSIC programs and affordable Private Lessons, always with access to someone's House Garage or Basement for Jam Sessions or Band Practices. Family Traditions, passed down to our own Children as they started out with their Bands in our Basements.
Over the years we recognized a need for Instrumental Music, Music Theory and other Lessons related to Recording in an Interactive Web approach.
In 2008, we decided to commence work on this Custom Website Project, FREE MUSIC LESSONS 4U, to share our Knowledge and Experience.
In 2010, we launched our FREE Music Lesson Website for Instrument Lessons and Music Theory complete with Separate Right and Left-Handed Guitar, Fretboards, Chords & Scales Diagrams with Interactive Music Scores across 400+ Web Pages at: FreeMusicLessons4u.com
In 2014, we redesigned this Website adding Interactive Music content and 500 more Web Pages with 1,500 Interactive Music Scores.
In 2019-2022, we created OVER 5,000 New MOVIES of MUSIC SCORES playing in Sync with GUITAR Fretboards, BASS Fretboards and/or a PIANO Keyboard(s) that have been added to Date along with another 200 Web Pages.
For 2025, we are working on a New Website Design AND the inclusion of "JAM TRACKS" Songs accessed through our New JAM TRACKS MIXER Web Browser Application, along with expansion of Future Versions, "JAM TRACK SCORES" and "JAM TRACK INSTRUMENTS" currently IN Development.
In 2018, MamWare created a New eCommerce Division called eStore Pros Canada that continues to Manage our existing Premium UNIX Web Hosting Servers, Register & Manage DOMAIN NAMES, Install SSL Security Certificates, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Programming and Support our existing Clients while Designing New Websites with or without eCOMMERCE. This expansion allowed MamWare to focus on the MUSIC Production side of our business, which subsequently resulted in our pursuit of Top-Down Designs of our JAM TRACKS Series of Web Browser MUSIC Apps. Currently, our Development Team has established 3 Web Program Designs with Future product Features such as ONLINE MULTITRACK RECORDING to be added in subsequent versions.

After COVID-19 was unleashed on North America, we commenced designing a New WEB BROWSER Application called JAM TRACKS, a Web Browser MULTITRACK MIXER for Songs of full Band Instrument arrangements that allows Users to Mute or Solo Instrument Tracks and adjust individual Track Volume Levels. Every Instrument from a GUITAR, BASS, PIANO, KEYBOARDS, DRUMS, BAND Arrangements for All Instruments and Full Orchestrations are more than possible! It provides online Options to learn how to JAM or to just JAM at will by choosing which Instruments will sound. You have the Freedom to Jam anytime, anywhere in the privacy of your own Home, by yourself, with a friend or Musician's that are putting together a Band but missing 1 or more Instruments. Jam along just for Fun to Relax and have a Good Time. Overviews of our 3 JAM TRACKS Series of Web Browser MUSIC Apps are Shown BELOW:

IN DEVELOPMENT . . . JAM TRACKS MIXER - is a Web Browser MultiTrack Mixer for Songs of full Band Instrument arrangements that allows Users to Mute or Solo Instrument Tracks and adjust individual Track Volume Levels. Every Instrument from a Guitar, Piano, Band arrangements for All Instruments and Full Orchestrations are more than possible!
JAM TRACKS MIXER provides Options to learn how to JAM or to just JAM at will by choosing which Instruments will sound. You have the Freedom to Jam anytime, anywhere in the privacy of your own Home, by yourself, with a friend or Musician's that are putting together a Band but missing 1 or more Instruments. Jam along just for Fun to Relax and have a Good Time. . . . JAM TRACKS MIXER Details

IN DEVELOPMENT . . . JAM TRACK SCORES builds on our JAM TRACKS MIXER by adding an Synchronized Interactive Music SCORE of full Band Instrument arrangements. A Redesigned MIXER still allows users to Mute or Solo Instrument Tracks and adjust individual Track Volume Levels. Music SCORES also include Guitar and Bass Guitar TAB for Musician's that don't read Music. All TABS are created from the Music Score itself for DEAD-ON accuracy. Every Instrument from a Guitar with or without TAB, Piano, Band arrangements for All Instruments and Full Orchestrations are more than possible!
Full Mixer Information and Details Shown below complete with labelled Diagrams . . . JAM TRACK SCORES Details

IN DEVELOPMENT . . . JAM TRACKS INSTRUMENTS extends our JAM TRACK SCORES with Synchronized Virtual Instruments. The MIXER includes a New INSTRUMENT Button on each Channel or Track to Display the selected Instrument(s) Virtually underneath the Synchronized Score. The MIXER allows users to Mute or Solo Instrument Tracks and adjust individual Track Volume Levels. Optionally, Virtual Instruments may be displayed to play along in Sync with the Score to show Musicians exactly which Notes are being played. Music Scores also include Guitar and Bass Guitar TAB for Musician's that don't read Music, created from the Score itself for DEAD-ON TABS. Every Instrument from a Guitar with or without TAB, Piano, Band arrangements for All Instruments and Full Orchestrations are more than possible! . . . JAM TRACKS INSTRUMENTS Details


"MUSIC is the only Universal Language that every Person, Animal and Plant can Understand, Appreciate and Enjoy!"
David ... at the Cottage
Our Love of Music began as children taking Music Lessons before we approached that mandatory Kindergarten School age. Jam Sessions started around 12 years of age in Basement Bands that led to further pursuit of Music of all Styles at University. Jamming, Performing, Composing and Recording leaves a Legacy of Passion that carries forward to be shared by ALL through Technology!