Add Custom MUSIC Arrangements, SOUND TRACKS, or NARRATION to your MultiMedia Presentations!
STUDIO A Now 48 Tracks Analog - 72 Tracks Ready. Equipped with an Analog 56 Channel Inline 8-Bus Mixer for Recording 24-96 Tracks on (4) 24 Track Hard Drive Recorders each with 24 TRS I/O Balanced Channels & IP Assignable Ethernet ports.
STUDIO D uses Digital Mixers with Automation for Unlimited Digital Tracks with PRO TOOLS or CUBASE. Viewed across Dual HP ARTIST 24" 90° Rotation Hydraulic Flat Screen displays OR Dual ACER 27" LED HD Gaming Monitors all Networked to our HP Z820 Rendering SERVER. We can Import 24 Track Analog Recordings from our HD24 via Ethernet to SIBELIUS Music Notation Software and Add Other Instruments or Orchestrations and SYNC Your MUSIC to Your VIDEO file with PRO TOOLS or CUBASE for Analog-to-Digital Mix-Downs complete with AUTOMATION.
DIGITAL AUDIO - DIGIDESIGN Control 24, Command 8 and MACKIE HUI Digital Mixers all with Moving Faders Automation.
ANALOG AUDIO - MACKIE 56 Channel 8 Bus Console with 48 Balanced TAPE Sends/Returns, Autolocators & FX Racks.
MICROPHONES - AKG, ElectroVoice, Neumann, Sennheiser, Shure - DI Boxes: Rodam, Yorkville, Active, Passive, Transformer.
STUDIO INSTRUMENTS - Guitars, Bass Guitars, MIDI Guitars, Keyboards, Drum Sets, Marshall, Line 6 and Ampeg Amps.
CONSOLES - ANALOG with 24 Track HD Recorders OR DIGITAL Automated Consoles with Dual 24" OR 27" HD Displays Networked with PRO TOOLS, CuBase and Sibelius.
MUSIC SCORES can be created from DAW based projects utilizing Sibelius Software rendering Publisher Quality Scores for Full Band and Orchestra Score exported to PDF Scores, Music XML, MP3 files and Web Pages along with other options. Video Synchronization to Audio and Editing is featured. Scores may also be created from scratch using Sound Library Samples of actual Instruments. See our Web Page on MUSIC SCORES AND ARRANGING for Details.
The DIGIDESIGN Control 24 & Command 8 Mixers are dedicated to work with PRO TOOLS Digital MultiTrack Audio Recording Software to provide Unlimted Audio Tracks. An Ethernet Port connects directly to a Computer or NETWORK Switch/Hub/Router for Software controlled Automation during Recording and Mix-Downs. During the Mixing process adjustments made with the Flying Faders are stored in the Song's Software file with Multiple Options.
Pro Tools is Digital Audio Workstation software that can perform the functions of a Multitrack Recorder and Audio Mixer, along with additional features that can only be performed in the Digital Domain, such as Non-destructive Editing using the Undo Feature.
Sibelius is the world's largest selling Music Notation Software. Beyond creating, editing and printing Music Scores, Sibelius can also play the Music back using sampled or synthesized sounds. It produces Publisher Quality Scores, PDF Scores and HTML Web Page Scores for the Internet.
Cubase is a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) developed by Steinberg for Music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing featuring unlimited Digital Audio and MIDI tracks. CuBase introduced VST (Virtual Studio Instruments) an audio plug-in software interface that integrates software synthesizer and effects in DAWs.
MACKIE HUI Digital Mixer
Mackie Human User Interface Digital Mixer for all versions of Pro Tools and most DAW software including Steinberg CuBase.